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Energy Crashes... Obesity...


Desparate Man

Chronically elevated blood sugar is beyond dangerous. Here’s the shocking story of how my mother-in-law lost her feet... and what I did to prevent my wife from suffering the same fate...

Can you imagine you or someone you love needing to have their feet cut off?

That’s one of the sobering dangers of chronically elevated blood sugar.

Even before this fateful day, my wife and I watched my diabetic mother-in-law struggle to do very basic things each day.

Her condition taking over her life — and taking over our lives — as she battled daily pain, cravings, energy crashes, misery, and even shame about her grim reality.

Trips to her doctor didn’t help much, and the solutions she was given hardly made an impact.

Just when we thought we couldn’t possibly feel any more helpless. We got a call from her doctor with devastating news:

“We Saved Her Life, But We Could NOT Save Her Feet...”

She’d had another elevated blood sugar episode. This time, they had to amputate both feet.

She would never walk normally again.

And while we were both devastated, we were also thankful she was still with us...

I looked over at my wife, and felt a wave of fear rush over me.

“What if this happened to her???”

She seemed to be carrying her mother’s same faulty genetics... And was already beginning to experience some blood sugar challenges herself.

“HELL NO,” I thought.

That night, I couldn’t sleep.

Images of my mother-in-law missing her feet...

And my wife possibly losing a limb or her life — began to terrify me.

A Desperate Journey and Meeting a Rogue Doctor Living in Thailand

I knew I had to do something, or my wife’s life would be cut short greatly...

That search connected me to a former bodybuilder-turned-doctor living in Thailand.

This guy - we’ll call him Dr. H - was NOT your normal doctor. He was muscular and ripped, loud and outspoken, and on the bleeding edge of nutritional science.

Dr. H reminded me of myself and who I aspire to be. So naturally, we immediately became great friends. :-)

And while most doctors know almost nothing about blood sugar, this guy was in a league of his own.

One reason for that is bodybuilders have to become masters at manipulating insulin to “force” muscle growth. (Insulin is the hormone that regulates sugar levels in your cells and body).

Dr. H had leveraged his knowledge in this area, helping his clients achieve epic control over their blood sugar.

The stories coming from his clients were mind-blowing.

People who had struggled with elevated blood sugar for decades were experiencing normal sugar levels again.

So I got the ingredients in this formula and began to experiment—and began measuring my own fasting blood sugar.

Did his formula work? For me, yes. But it wasn’t strong enough for my wife.

She needed something more potent...

So I Began Pouring Through Medical Journals...

Medical Journal

I couldn’t sit by as my wife’s elevated blood sugar continued to become more of a danger...

If you didn’t already know, genetics plays a major role in how much someone struggles with blood sugar...

And lifestyle aspects like diet, exercise, and body-fat levels are also well-documented factors..

But I wondered, “What if there was a THIRD FACTOR that influenced someone’s blood sugar response?”

Because the problem was, just like most people who are serious about solving this issue:

My wife had *already* addressed her genetics and diet/lifestyle as best she could.

Dr. H had leveraged his knowledge in this area, helping his clients achieve epic control over their blood sugar.

If I didn’t find another source of the problem and create a solution... she was at risk for worsening complications or even death.

I felt like Sherlock Holmes as I poured through hundreds of the most credible medical journals on blood sugar management... I refused to give up.

As I doubled down in my pursuit to find another underlying cause... a key piece of the scientific puzzle began to emerge.

Like So Many, My Poor Wife Suffered from a “Crippled Carb Cycle”...

Beyond genetics or lifestyle factors..

What impacts someone’s blood sugar most is how effectively they process carbohydrates after their meals...

Anytime you consume carbs, your body breaks them down into glucose...

From there, insulin “carries” the sugar out of the blood — while also getting to places where it’s needed.

This includes your muscles, heart, and other organs — including your brain.

Insulin is like the dial on your blood sugar thermostat, turning levels up or down as needed — ensuring the perfect “temperature.”

In people who don’t struggle with blood sugar, this process works perfectly.

But in those from the high risk category — their insulin dial is broken — and they have what some researchers call a “crippled carb cycle.”

Those with a crippled carb cycle—whether genetic or lifestyle-related or any other reason—tend to have blood sugar levels skyrocket after any meal. (Yes, sometimes even after low-carb meals).

That rapid elevation of blood sugar is dangerous (and if you remember, it’s what cost my mother-in-law her feet.)

Given all this, and seeing the discoveries that Dr. H had made (but not completed)...

I wondered if there were any nutrients that could fix a crippled carb cycle? Here’s what I found...

Fixing Your Carb Cycle and Mastering Blood Sugar Requires THREE THINGS:

What I discovered was beyond shocking.

One after another, I began to discover powerful nutrients that could do the following:

  • Transport sugar into your muscles.This is ESSENTIAL. Because it basically is the difference between carbs helping you build muscle—or being stored as fat.
  • Maximize insulin sensitivity. When your blood sugar jumps up after meals, your body needs more insulin to control it. But then your insulin is weakened until eventually it no longer works well. Your insulin function gets crushed and blood sugar levels enter the danger zone...
  • And optimize sugar pathways. How open your “glycolytic” (sugar) pathways are makes or breaks your ability to USE the carbs you ingest for energy, repair, recovery, and more.

Anyone with a crippled carb cycle was failing to accomplish these 3 things before--and after-- their meals.

But this was also good news...

Because even if you struggle with blood sugar and can’t improve your genetics...

Or you can’t improve your diet, lifestyle, diet or exercise plans anymore...

The research, without a doubt, proved you CAN take nutrients that help reverse any deficiencies and fix your crippled carb cycle.

This is an absolute game-changer.

I was finding a lot of nutrients that fit the profile, including things like berberine... bitter melon... rock lotus... and many others.

But it was nearly impossible to know which ones to focus on... the right levels and ratios... everything needed to actually nail the formula that would save my wife.

So I Reached Out to One of the World’s Leading Formulators for Help...

I’d recently come into contact with a man who has been the secret weapon for some of the top supplement companies in the world.

I’m going to call him David—to protect his anonymity...

His understanding of how to combine nutrients together to deliver the right effect was beyond anything I’d ever seen...

I agreed to pay him a large sum of money if he could help me “crack the code” on fixing my wife’s crippled carb cycle... and he agreed.

We got to work immediately ordering dozens and dozens of nutrients that had been studied in blood sugar tests.

In a matter of months, we’d arrived at a few potential formulas that might help her.

The timing was perfect because...

After a Meal, My Wife’s Blood Sugar Spiked to 240...


I was worried that if it kept rising, she’d end up like her mother.

In fact, my mother-in-law had moved in with us after she had lost both her feet, and just a few years after, her blood sugar skyrocketed to the danger zone of 600.

Memories of having to call an ambulance for her... the loss of her feet... these traumatic memories began flashing back.

Seeing my wife’s level at 240… I was terrified it was about to climb even higher just as her mother’s had.

I had to do something immediately to stop that from happening.

And so, even though our “formulas” weren’t tested or official, I had her take several capsules of one of our experimental batches.

The impact was MASSIVE.

Within an hour, her sugar levels had gone from 240... all the way down to 120.

Cutting her blood sugar in HALF from a couple of capsules?? “OMG,” I thought. I knew we were onto something...

The only problem was with the insanely expensive ingredients we’d chosen.

It would cost about $10 for a full dose. Yikes.

That wasn’t sustainable to take 2-3 times a day.

But David had already begun to tinker with the ingredient ratios and had an epiphany...

Combining Certain Nutrients Turned Them Into Powerful Carb Disposal Ingredients...

A carb disposal agent (or ingredient) is any nutrient that helps mobilize the carbs after meals, so that even if you have a crippled carb cycle...

These nutrients STILL help move sugar out of the blood and into muscles or to other critical places in the body.

And you never get stuck with chronically elevated blood sugar following meals.

For example, chromium picolinate is a nutrient even the USDA admits is greatly missing from our diet and soil...

Research indicates that diets containing less than 25% of normal chromium levels adversely affect insulin sensitivity in subjects with crippled carb cycles.

On the flip side, researchers have also found that when your chromium deficiency is reversed...

Your insulin sensitivity is improved — and you’re better able to catalyze carbs when needed after meals...

Now, here’s the REALLY amazing part: one study found that chromium was combined with biotin — its carb disposal power was multiplied.

This combination helps stimulate liver glucokinase activity, increase insulin production, and enhance glucose uptake in muscle cells — all signs of a fixed carb cycle.

David discovered that we could synergize nutrients like this and use much less — while still achieving our desired result.

This Next Combination of “Blood Sugar Solution” Nutrients Was A LOT More Effective

Starting out with Blood Sugar Solution Nutrients #1 and #2, 400 mcg of chromium picolinate and 2mg of biotin...

David created a formula with more carb-disposing nutrients than anything EVER created:

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #3

Pure Meditarranean Propolis

Meditarranean Propolis Meditarranean Propolis

A double-blind randomized controlled trial published in Nature Scientific Reports found that propolis massively improved blood sugar control.

It also helped with inflammation markers—and supported organ health in those with blood sugar issues. Why was nobody talking about this??

    That 2019 Iranian study compared 50 subjects who took 1000 mg/day of propolis with 44 subjects who took the placebo for 90 days.

    At the end of the study, the propolis group experienced the following improvements compared to the placebo group:

  • Lower overall blood sugar by 8 — in just 3 months
  • Lower 2-hour post meal blood sugar by 28.6%, suggesting better blood sugar control
  • Lower insulin by 50.8%
  • Improved insulin sensitivity based on a 46.6%

How does it work? Propolis may help fix a crippled carb cycle by reducing carbohydrate absorption in the gut, while improving sugar uptake into muscles.

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #4

Glycostat: a patented version of bitter melon extract

Bitter Melon Bitter Melon

Chronic low-grade inflammation hurts your body in many ways, but none more than your blood sugar.

This is due to something called lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which are rogue bacteria toxins that leak into the bloodstream in response to high-fat high-sugar meals.

LPS can activate the chronic low-grade inflammation, creating a vicious cycle that contributes to insulin resistance, obesity, and BIG problems with your carb cycle process after meals.

Luckily, a 2020 study published in the journal Molecules found that bitter melon can potently inhibit the inflammatory response in those with high blood sugar3.

This helps break you out of that “cycle of doom” and turn things the other way.

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #5

Tibetan Holy Fruit Extract 300:1

Tibetan Holy Fruit Tibetan Holy Fruit

Sea buckthorn, known as “holy fruit” in Tibet, is found in centuries-old medicinal texts in Tibet and China.

Recently, science has come to discover its dense nutritional content of omega 3, 6, 7, and 9—plus vitamins and antioxidants.

Sea Buckthorn’s antioxidant ability is 70X stronger than vitamin C.

And its antioxidant richness is one factor researchers believe to be a factor in its ability to help with blood sugar5.

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #6

GlucoAdvantage: a patented version of dihydroberberine

Berberine Berberine

Berberine has been shown to optimize blood sugar, improving insulin sensitivity and body composition (aka body fat levels). .

In other words, it’s a triple-threat against crippled carb cycles.

Dihydroberberine is recognized to be 5x more bioavailable than standard berberine and 2x longer lasting in the bloodstream (4 hours vs 8 hours.)

Dihydroberberine is touted for its beneficial use in insulin resistance and blood sugar-challenged patients—because of its positive effect on serum blood glucose levels.

These beneficial effects are related in part to the ability of the nutrient to activate AMPK4, which is a pathway that helps improve metabolism (including carb metabolism.)

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #7

Cinnulin PF

Cinnamon Cinnamon

Cinnulin PF is a standardized and patented bioactive water extract of cinnamon. Dr. H would call it “cinnamon on steroids”...

Cinnamon all by itself has proven to help reduce blood glucose... but Cinnulin PF takes it to another level.

In fact, Cinnulin effectively boosts insulin sensitivity in those predisposed to blood sugar issues.

In one study6, results showed that subjects in the Cinnulin PF group experienced major decreases in fasting blood glucose levels—and impressive improvements in insulin sensitivity.

In other words, when it comes to blood sugar, Cinnulin PF puts store-bought cinnamon to shame.

In the researcher’s own words:

“These data support the efficacy of Cinnulin PF® supplementation on reducing fasting blood glucose and improving body composition in men and women with the metabolic syndrome [a factor in blood sugar issues].”

And again, Cinnulin PF is only ONE of the breakthrough ingredients in this formula.

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #8

Alpha R-lipoic Acid

Lipoic Acid Lipoic Acid

R-Lipoic Acid is the most active isomer of alpha-lipoic acid, which is a versatile antioxidant.*

In adolescents with blood sugar challenges, lipoic acid improved blood vessel function.

Even without dieting, lipoic acid can help fix a crippled carb cycle—and boost fat metabolism7.

As a result, more of the sugars and fats in foods will be broken down and used for energy instead of being stored as fat.

This will also cause you to feel the need to eat less8.

In several other studies with overweight or obese subjects, lipoic acid was associated with slight weight loss accompanied by a reduction in waist inches.

In obese patients with more severe blood sugar-related challenges10, people given lipoic acid lost significantly more weight and had lower triglyceride levels.

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #9


Astragalus membranaceus Astragalus membranaceus

InnoSlim is a patent ingredient composed of highly purified and fractionated Panax notoginseng and Astragalus membranaceus, two breakthrough herbs.

It has been shown in 18 in-vitro, two in-vivo and one human clinical study reduce glucose or sugar absorption in the intestines and increase glucose absorption in the muscle and fat cells11.

It also increases adiponectin levels (a hormone that plays a major role in appetite and weight loss) and reduces insulin resistance.

The results of taking it can include healthy weight loss by reduced excess glucose absorption, appetite suppression, and increased fat burning.12.

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #10


Vitamin B - Thiamine Vitamin B - Thiamine

Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble derivative of thiamine.

Thiamine is best known as Vitamin B1 and for its critical role in energy metabolism, hormone regulation, activation of the immune system, and more.

Benfotiamine therapy appears to be a potential strategy for preventing neuropathy (something my mother-in-law experienced), a severe complication of blood sugar problems, associated with a high risk of heart disease and mortality.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, the addition of benfotiamine into the diet leads to decreased byproducts of sugar in the bloodstream—and therefore helps fix your carb cycle12.

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #11

Glucofit: Patented Banaba Leaf Extract

Banaba Leaf Banaba Leaf

Remember: Glucose that is not transported into cells stagnates in the blood and is often converted into fat.

Elevated blood sugar levels not only lead to weight gain but also to glycation, a specific type of damage you want to avoid.

In human studies, Glucofit reduced blood sugar levels very effectively13.

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #12

Gymnema leaf extract

Gymnema Leaf Gymnema Leaf

Gymnema sylvestre is a potent blood sugar-regulating plant and used in folk, ayurvedic and homeopathic systems of medicine.

Currently, gymnemic acids are being sold in the form of Gymnema Tea15, for curbing obesity. In Japan, there are teas being made from G. sylvestre leaves and are being promoted as a natural method for controlling obesity and diabetes.

According to research14, it works by:

  • increasing secretion of insulin
  • it increases utilization of glucose: it is shown to increase the activities of enzymes and
  • it causes inhibition of glucose absorption from your gut.

Yet what David included in this formula was even stronger...

Blood Sugar Solution Nutrient #13


Edible Brown Seaweeds Edible Brown Seaweeds

Fucoxanthin is an antioxidant isolated from edible brown seaweeds.

Recent studies have reported that fucoxanthin has many powerful properties for regulating blood sugar.

Many studies16 suggested that fucoxanthin played an antiobesity effect by stimulating the burning of “white fat” (this is the fat you see on the body, especially around the midsection).

Lower white fat levels help with overall health and blood sugar regulation.

Normally, a blood sugar regulating formula might have 2...3... at most 5 ingredients like these.

But this one has THIRTEEN.

Naturally, we wondered...

Could This Be The Most Advanced Blood Sugar Formula in the World?

To help me test the all-star lineup of formulations, I contacted a genius in the field.

Again, a typical “blood sugar formula” out there has 2-5 nutrients.

This formula had 13 FULLY SYNERGIZED NUTRIENTS inside every single capsule.

It was working very effectively for my wife and me (I’m not prediabetic, but I don’t have the best genes for carb disposal)...

But we wanted to be SURE—so we began testing it with others.

We created an initial test-group of a dozen people who were willing to measure their blood sugar levels after EVERY SINGLE MEAL.

No exceptions.

So we put it to the test.

Dr. Dominic D'Agostino
When Dr. Dom isn’t developing new metabolic-based strategies to combat everything from epilepsy to neurodegenerative diseases to cancer, he is ALSO an Associate Professor at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine

Taking this formula helped stabilize blood sugar levels significantly before and after meals.

Dr. Dominic D'Agostino - Performance

These Initial Test Results Exceeded Our Wildest Dreams

By this point, I’d seen it work for me... and more importantly my wife.

And now it has worked like magic for a dozen others who were carefully monitoring their blood sugar...

With as many as 100 million Americans battling with crippled carb cycles and elevated blood sugar...

I realized that we couldn’t keep this formula all to ourselves.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to release it, because it was unlike any other product my company had offered up to this point.

Blood Sugar Solution vs Baseline

But after many conversations with my business partner, team, and David himself... we decided to make it available to everyone.

Blood Sugar Solution Is the Ultimate Answer for Safely Lowering Blood Sugar After Meals

Blood Sugar Solution is our latest “best in class” product here at Gear Elevation. We spared no expense in making it BY FAR the most potent and most effective blood sugar formula EVER created.

As you just learned, it contains 13 clinically-researched ingredients — PROVEN to help fix crippled carb cycles and help dispose of the carbs you eat.

But we weren’t satisfied, we felt like daily blood sugar control — via taking Blood Sugar Solution® — should cost WAY less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks...

So we worked hard with David to get the price WAY down from the original $10 per dose that the formula initially cost.

Even though $300 a month is much less than many spend on insulin, we wanted it to be a more affordable way to:

  • Reclaim healthy, stable blood sugar levels...
  • Give you consistent, all-day energy...
  • Banish brain fog and enhance mental clarity — avoiding that post-meal crash...
  • And ultimately sidestep the scary, long-term potential issues that include poor sleep, obesity, and more that so many people struggle to combat...

Just Keep In Mind: You Can’t Fix a Crippled Carb Cycle Overnight...

Balancing your blood sugar is NOT an overnight thing and anyone who tells you this is lying...

Yes, you can see profound results from taking Blood Sugar Solution® in the first 30 days, just like the individuals in our small test study...

But even deeper benefits will come in 3 months... 6 months... even 12 months out...

So as you look below this page to see the various options you have — I recommend investing in as much as you can today...

First, because your investment is fully protected (more on this in a moment)...

Second, because this gives you the best possible price... and...

Third, because you want the most possible time and space... for your carb cycle to be fixed.

And your entire body to rebalance itself around these optimum new blood sugar levels...

With the 6 bottle option, you get the best and lowest price—and pay far less than a premium cup of coffee each day...

Make Crippled Carb Cycle and Elevated Blood Sugar a Thing of the Past...

Remember, we designed this product to produce noticeable, near-term changes...

But even more importantly, to help rewire your cells for optimum blood sugar levels... sustained energy... reduced abdominal (belly) fat... all while helping you look and feel years younger...

So I encourage you to choose the package deal with the best savings.

So our team can quickly get your bundle ready and then pack it securely — to be delivered to your door, all within a few days.

It’s really that simple.

Take Blood Sugar Solution® Before Each Meal and Prepare to Be Blown Away...

There really is nothing else like Blood Sugar Solution® on the market...

We pooled together the best team on earth — me and all of my experience, Dr. H, David the formulator, and other experts — for working with blood sugar-challenges.

And together, we created Blood Sugar Solution® to be light years beyond any other formula.

The only catch?

We expect our first batch to go very fast...

However... the very fact that you’re reading this now... means you’re in luck.

If this page is live, there are still bottles left.

So if you’re ready to begin using Blood Sugar Solution® to control your blood sugar...

I highly encourage you to act now and click the button below this page.

We Expect To Run Out of Stock, Just Like Our Other Game-Changing Formulas...

Today, this message is being seen by tens of thousands of men and women who want a real solution...

Websites... email lists... social media...

Because here at Gear Elevation, we’ve become known for creating the “best in class” versions of the most essential supplements like Green Nutrition... Collagen... Detoxification Aids... and more.

We routinely sell out of our products—especially when we launch a new one. Our product Mind Matrix, for instance, has run out of stock over a dozen times.

This product almost certainly will go out of stock in the next month or so. Maybe faster.

So this is not a decision you want to put off...

If you say, “I’ll come back later — or tomorrow”...

Well, someone else may get the bottles we’ve personally reserved for you.

And to make your decision to act now even easier...

We’re offering you the best guarantee ever made on a blood sugar formula...

“ Gear Elevation Triple - FREE Money-Back Guarantee ”

Here’s the deal:

If you’re like the overwhelming majority of Blood Sugar Solution®’s users…

Then you’ll be blown away by your results taking these blood sugar-regulating nutrients...

But in the highly unlikely event you aren’t blown away…

  • If you don’t notice that your numbers get better week over week…
  • If your energy doesn’t become better and more stable throughout the day...
  • If you don’t notice positive changes on the scale...
  • If your friends don’t start saying, “you look good! what are you doing?”
  • If your circulation, digestion, and energy don’t noticeably improve...

Simply call Gear Elevation US-based customer support team at 1-888-353-8373 or e-mail us at support@gearelevation.com

YOU HAVE 12 FULL MONTHS — one whole year — to decide.

That’s unprecedented

And not only will we refund your money…

We’ll also let you keep your entire supply of Blood Sugar Solution®

AND we’ll even give you instant access to any other product in the Gear Elevation inventory to try out for FREE...

That Is Like Getting THREE TIMES Your Money Back...

That contact information will be in your package as well.

Gear Elevation is a highly reputable company with over a decade of experience and over 100,000 happy customers...

If you don’t experience extraordinary results, we don’t want your money. We wouldn’t deserve it.

Look, not every supplement works for everybody… even though we had 90%+ success in our test group...

And even though we KNOW the blood sugar benefits of these strains are just the start of their amazing health benefits... every human body is different.

Yes, We Believe Blood Sugar Solution Will Work for You—and We’re Risking Everything to Prove It...

But whatever you decide, you must act fast.

If you are like the vast majority of Blood Sugar Solution®’s users...

... your results will make you feel your blood sugar control and nerve health took a time machine back to your 20s...

Where you didn’t have to count every carb... ration every portion... suffer through painful pavement pounding or injections or medications...

Still, in the unlikely event that doesn’t happen for you... we’ve got your back.

We have a whole line up of health-transforming products...and we’ll find one that DOES work for you.

And we’ll do so at our expense.

That’s just the kind of company Gear Elevation strives to be.

So again, if you decide you’re not completely satisfied anytime in the first year, here’s what we’re willing to do:

1 - Let you keep your supply.

2 - Give you a full refund.

3 - Gift you instant access to any other product in the Gear Elevation inventory...

You Literally Cannot Lose Here.

The company is taking on 300% of the risk.

While you risk NOTHING when you give Blood Sugar Solution® a try today.

Will some people abuse this ridiculous guarantee?

Sure, there’s always going to be that type of person out there.

But I’m hoping you’re not that type of person…

Because when you experience the life changing benefits of Blood Sugar Solution®… I know you’re going to be so grateful…

And I bet the only reason you’re going to reach out, is to write in and tell us about how much better your blood sugar control has become on Blood Sugar Solution®...

And how your life has changed as a result..

This Offer Is Available On THIS PAGE ONLY

This page is your only opportunity to take advantage of this insane discount.

But you must act now.

Click below this page and secure your package...

And get your hands on this groundbreaking formula.

Listen, what would you rather feel?

That powerless feeling of your blood sugar working against you... getting more and more unforgiving... causing you to remain stuck on the blood sugar roller coaster — EVEN when you eat strictly, limit carbs, and exercise...

And all the guilt... shame... and self-judgement that comes along with not being able to control your blood sugar...

Or would you like to feel the unparalleled freedom that can only come from having your blood sugar under control again …

... allowing you to enjoy healthy carbs — and still be in the driver’s seat of your blood sugar and nerve health?


Six Bottles

Blood Sugar Solution

$39 / bottle

($234.99 TOTAL)

Retail Price: $539.99 + FREE SHIPPING

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

One Bottle

Blood Sugar Solution

$59.99 / bottle

($59.99 TOTAL)

Retail Price: $89.99  

365-Day Money Back Guarantee


Three Bottles

Blood Sugar Solution

$49.99 / bottle

($149.99 TOTAL)

Retail Price: $269.99 + FREE SHIPPING (US & CA)

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

It’s Your Choice To Make...

But whatever you decide, you must act fast.

This is a “you snooze, you lose” situation.

Here’s exactly what’s going to happen when you click the button below and select your package...

You’ll be taken to the confirmation page.

And if there are still supplies left…

Then you’ll simply enter your payment information on our secure checkout form…

You’ll click the “complete my order” button…

And you’ll test drive Blood Sugar Solution® risk-free for the next 12 months.

Every Step In this Process Is Safe, Secure, and Privacy-Protected...

And you can feel completely confident that your order is private, and your information is safe

Because we’ve encrypted the checkout page with the latest 256-bit security software…

Which means it’s military grade…

So your personal information is as protected as the data for secret US fighter jet designs…

I’ve even got my security system verified by the same companies that verify websites like Amazon.com and Apple.com.

You’ll see the trust badges and certificates on the page, so you can feel totally secure when you click the button below, and claim your discount…

And then in just a few days time…

A package will arrive in your mail…

You’ll be Taking What Could Be The Greatest Blood Sugar Breakthrough Of Our Time...

From there, you’ll start waking up with boundless energy...

Looking younger and feeling better than you have in years...

All because you turned back the clock on your blood sugar... fixing your crippled carb cycle.

There’s no reason to live in fear...

There’s no reason to remain dependent on substances that don’t effectively help you manage your blood sugar...

Don’t help you prevent or reverse nerve damage...

And then in just a few days time…

And plague you with dangerous side effects...

Don’t Settle for “Meh” Formulas that Do Nothing...

Not when Blood Sugar Solution® does all this and more — faster — and for a tiny fraction of the price...

So lock in your discount NOW…

Click the button below…

Fill out the form…

And get started.

Right now, you have a simple choice.

You’re at a fork in the road.

One road is well traveled. You know where this road leads...

It’s the same road you’ve been on for years.

6 Bottles Of Blood Sugar Solution

It leads you right back to the same, steadily increasingly worse blood sugar challenges and neuropathy you’ve been experiencing for years...

Your Crippled Carb Cycle and Blood Sugar Issues Won’t Fix Themselves...

Your cravings will get worse...

Your metabolism will slow and weight will go UP...

And you’ll have to work harder and harder with your diet and exercise program just to keep your blood sugar from getting worse...

You and I both know you deserve better...

And the pain of runaway blood sugar isn’t even the worst part…

It’s the chronic health conditions it leads to...

Chronic conditions that often lead to an early death...

This is a DEAD-END Road...

We both know it.

It’s sad…but that’s where millions of North Americans are headed.

Do you really want your blood sugar challenges to keep getting worse?

To get less and less enjoyment out of your life?

To be on the fast track to an early death?

I certainly don’t want that for you...

I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, but that’s just the reality of the situation.

This road can lead to death. And I have to be frank about it…

And if you go down that road, it will be because you didn’t have the courage to give this a fair shot.

But there’s another road.

A Truly Unfair Edge When It Comes To Controlling Your Blood Sugar...

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been dreaming of being able to eat a high carb meal again...

... without worry of a dangerous crash...

Resuming your favorite activity without pain...

Or even just feeling that deep sigh of relief at knowing you no longer have to obsess and worry over every bite of food you take...

It’s all possible with Blood Sugar Solution® ...

All for less than two dollars per day, depending on which package you choose.

And your results are 300% guaranteed with your Triple-Back guarantee.

Look, this is it... it’s decision time.

And I can’t make this decision for you.

But in my humble opinion:

This Should Be The Easiest Decision You Ever Make...

I want you to be a part of a special group turning back the clock on their blood sugar and nerve health...

And it’s all thanks to this revolutionary formula…

So try Blood Sugar Solution® out...

You have up to ONE FULL YEAR to experience these results risk-free.

And in the unlikely event you aren’t experiencing more optimal blood sugar control...

If you aren’t experiencing feeling better after meals…

Having improved numbers...

If your weight and metabolism don’t improve...

If you’re not pleasantly shocked when you wake up with more energy...

If you still aren’t able to finally get back to enjoying food and life again...

If you’re not blown away for ANY reason whatsoever…

Then just send us an e-mail or give us a call… and you’ll promptly get your money back..

Keep your bottle…

And get instant access to ANY other Gear Elevation product — yes, even those like our 84-day program valued at $300 or more...

This truly is a no-lose, RISK FREE situation for you.

So listen closely:

Right now is not a time for hesitation.

This Is a Time to Reclaim Your Blood Sugar Control and Nerve Health Once and for All

This is a time to harness the greatest Blood Sugar Solution ever...

Yet... time is running out.

I can’t guarantee your fast-action discount for much longer.

So go ahead, click that button, and get what every person wants — and what you fully deserve...

Healthy blood sugar and rejuvenated nerves... so that you can fully enjoy food and life again... well into your 70s... 80s... maybe even 100.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The content provided on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professionals. The information here should not be used for diagnosing, treating disease or health-related issues, or prescribing of medications. Please read all product documentation carefully. Contact your regular health care practitioner if you have or suspect having a medical problem, before using our products.

Warning: Our product is not for use by children under the age of 18 or pregnant or nursing women. Always check with a physician before taking any supplement.

FTC Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, testimonials are not intended to be representative of typical results. The testimonials showcased here are real, and each person has used our product. However, these results are not be understood as average or typical results, as they portray what the best and most successful clients have accomplished.

© 2022 - Gear Elevation USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Gear Elevation USA Inc. 5470 Kietzke Lane, Suite 300 Reno, NV 89511